Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9-11: 11 Years Later...

"This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave." ~Elmer Davis.

This morning, taking my kids to school, they did a 9-11 montage and of course I started my crying. I remember the day this happened. I was taking my first baby, who was only 2 weeks old, to her first doctor's appointment. Fast foward to 9-11's eleventh anniversary...

Before my now eleven year old daughter went to school, she posted on her Facebook page. I wasn't aware of this but was later told by my best friend that my daughter wrote, "9-11, I HATE HITLER!" Now my first instinct was to laugh because it was such an absurd thing to post. Hitler?! But after I got to thinking about it, I was very upset! Not with her of course, but with our school system! It's been eleven years since that horrific terrorist attack, and they STILL aren't talking enough about this?! I was abhored. I have a conversation with my kids EVERY anniversary about this. I don't go in to detail about the background of the terrorist attack, but I do tell them how it was such a hard, heartbreaking day for Americans and a lot of other nations aound the world. And I tell them how we need to have so much respect for the men and women who protect us and make it possible for us to be the most AWESOME country in the world. But the schools... There's no excuse for my child to think that a man who was responsible for the Holocaust 70 years ago, led the terrorist attack that rattled us 11 years ago. And I hold the education system responsible. My kids know about the founding of this great country, slavery, and every other aspect that has made the USA what it is today, but they are next to clueless when it comes to something that actually happened in their lifetime or right before they were born. Have we just all forgotten?

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